Wednesday, November 9, 2011

about me.

   My name is Amanda (never Mandy-funny story for another post!), and I am brand spanking new to this whole blogging experience so I thought I'd share some information about me so that maybe you can get a little understanding of who I am and who exactly you're reading about!  I am freshly 23 and a 5th year student at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. I have completed all of my courses for the Photography program here and am working to finish my second degree which is in Art Education. I'm graduating in my May 2012 and I couldn't be more excited!

   I have an amazing boyfriend, Mr. H who is graduating in December 2011 and will be an elementary teacher. We live together with our cute-as-a-button cat, Nala. We are really excited to see where our relationship takes us and where we'll find jobs when we're both finished with college. Maybe we'll move to California, or maybe right down the road.. I don't know about Mr. H and Nala but I'm super excited to find out where the future takes us!

    Enough about me... back to the blog! Writing a blog has been on my mind for years, but I have never had the time to sit down and do it... well, here I am now!! I'm not sure where this blog will go or what information will make it to the pages. My hope is to have somewhere to post about my life, my loves, my ups, and hopefully not too many downs, some of my photography, and maybe my style. I hope that you enjoy my blog and feel free to contact me about anything and everything on your mind!

Keep checking back regularly to see new posts and maybe I'll have some giveaways for you!

Amanda Jane

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